This free Lean Six Sigma practice quiz is designed to test your knowledge of basic process improvement principles. The practice test consists of 20 general questions on Lean Six Sigma and you must score 70% or higher to pass.
FREE practice test certificate
If you score a 70% or higher on the practice test, you’ll receive a digital certificate! Be sure to spell your name exactly how you’d like it printed.
Free certification:
Be sure to take our FREE Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification here.
You’re interested in process improvement and helping your company improve its workflow. That’s great, but where do you start? Practice tests might just be the answer. MSI’s Lean Six Sigma practice test is free and gives you a glimpse into what a certification exam will be like. Here are four reasons you should take the practice exam.
Assess how well you already know the content
Lean Six Sigma focuses on two main components, improving existing processes and eliminating waste from those processes. It’s human nature to improve as we go. You’ve probably experimented with different ways to drive to work or tried changing your daily routine to make it more efficient. Business process improvement is no different. You’ll use processes like DMAIC, PDCA, and Kaizen to analyze and improve your daily workflow. Since you do many of these things naturally, you may find that you already have a basic understanding of lss principles.
Prepare yourself mentally
Taking tests online can be nerve-racking, especially if you haven’t taken a test in years. Taking the MSI Lean Six Sigma practice test can help prepare you for taking exams again. You may find the practice exam easy. If you do, you can consider taking a six sigma certification exam. If you find the exam difficult, then register for MSI’s free Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification and learn the basics of this process improvement method.
Ease anxiety about testing
One of the great things about practice tests is that there are no consequences. If you don’t pass, simply retake it! You can take the lss practice test from MSI as many times as you’d like. If you score over 70%, we’ll even email you a certificate of completion with your score.
Get a free certificate of completion
While certificates of completion don’t hold the same weight as a certification, they can still be valuable. Perhaps an employer wants to see that you have a basic understanding of process improvement, or they just want proof that you’ve worked on your self-improvement recently. This free certificate of completion may just be enough to satisfy those requests.
Get ready for your certification exam
Taking a practice exam is a great way to get ready for the real thing! Once you’ve practiced and improved your test-taking skills, go to the MSI Six Sigma Certification page and select from one of our certification options. Here you’ll have access to the MSI certification exam and all of the training material we include when you register.
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