The Six Sigma Black Belt Certification with HR concentration is designed to give the student a solid understanding of Six Sigma principles and teach you how to effectively communicate and lead Six Sigma teams from a Human Resources perspective. Six Sigma focuses on measuring and quantifying the impact of an improvement project. It requires buy-in across the business for the project to make changes based upon those measurements irrespective of personal views.
HR professionals are on the front line of a Six Sigma project because they often have a role in the projects organizational set up. Putting together the right team of people can have a substantial impact on the overall success of the project. HR professionals work with the Six Sigma Project Champion to help them select the team Black Belts and Green Belts, based on their knowledge of the people in the company. Human Resource professionals will also help develop the job descriptions for each position and may help develop a retention and training program.
Because Human Resource Professionals spend a large amount of their time on workforce planning and employment, they are often the perfect resource during the initial phases of Six Sigma. This is because Black Belts and Green Belts have other roles within the organization that they need to attend to. Planning the overall needs of the workforce and managing that with the needs of the quality improvement project requires a skilled HR professional who can work closely with the project stakeholders.
The Six Sigma Black Belt in HR Certification program covers the operational roles and integration requirements that Human Resources (HR) or Human Resource Managers (HRM) provide, both within an organization to support Six Sigma project initiatives and within HR to support its own Six Sigma projects.
We also offer a Six Sigma Black Belt Certification and Six Sigma Lean Black Belt Certification without the HR component for those who do not want their certification to have an HR (Human Resources) concentration.
Additional Information:
Course Syllabus [.pdf] | Sales Brochure [.pdf]
The goal of the Management and Strategy Institute is to teach you the key competencies required to function in the role of a Six Sigma Black Belt in Human Resources. As you go through the training material you will learn the competencies listed below. The BBHR exam is a timed, online exam. It consists of approximately 85 questions and has a required passing score of 70%.
NOTE: This course covers all of the topics in the Six Sigma Black Belt Professional, plus the following additional competencies:
Six Sigma in HR
HR Responsibilities
Gaining Six Sigma Skills
Member Selection
Rewarding and Recognition
Project Team Effectiveness
Projects within HR
Learning Outcome: Establish clear roles for Human Resources for institutionalizing the Six Sigma culture within the organization.
This material is not required, however it will assist you in becoming a Six Sigma Professional.
Daniel T. Bloom (August 13, 2021), Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma, ISBN-13: 978-1138359192
No, If you are new to Six Sigma you can study the training material before taking the test. The Six Sigma Black Belt certification with HR concentration training includes all of the course work for the Green Belt and Yellow Belt and you will learn that material first, before moving on to the Black Belt material. If you are an experienced Six Sigma practitioner you may sign up for the Black Belt Certification and skip directly to the test.
To function at a high level within Six Sigma it is important for Black Belts to have a solid understanding of the related principles. This test is timed, so you will not be able to look up answers to questions while taking the test. If you are an experienced Six Sigma practitioner you should be able to pass the test without the training material. If you are new to Six Sigma, or feel you could use some additional training, we recommend reviewing the Training Material before taking the test.
The Six Sigma Black Belt in HR certification, by definition, is a high-level certification. It is designed to give you a solid understanding of most facets of Six Sigma. It does not require a project to complete. This professional development course was designed to teach someone with little knowledge of Six Sigma the basic skills needed to function as a Black Belt on a Six Sigma team. All required training material is included with the cost of the exam. Many executive jobs today require that their employees have at least a basic understanding of Six Sigma. For an example, click on this job search link to see how many positions mention the words “Six Sigma HR”.
The training course is self-paced. Time to complete and fully comprehend will vary with every individual. It may take several days or weeks of study before you feel comfortable to take the final test. You may take the final exam as soon as you’re ready. You have 1 year from the date of purchase to complete the course.
Yes, MSI offers the “Six Sigma Black Belt Core Concepts Guide” for those who would like to order a book to assist with their studies. This pocket guide not only helps prepare you for the exam, but also makes the perfect reference book for future use. Remember, this book is not required since digital study material is included for free with your purchase.
No, the test for the Six Sigma Black Belt in HR certification is not proctored at this time. It is timed, with a limit of 3 hours. You may take the test online, from home or work whenever you are ready.
You will be mailed a Certificate Of Completion, as well as a letter of congratulations and two copies of our training verification letters which you can give to employers who request it. The certificate is heavy-stock, cream paper suitable for framing.
You are registering for the Six Sigma Black Belt in HR (BBHR)™ certification program through the Management and Strategy Institute (MSI). This certification is exclusive to MSI and you will be certified directly by the Institute upon passing, not a 3rd party certifying or accrediting body.
Participants who successfully complete this certification program will receive:
Certifications are generally the last item listed under the education section of your resume. List them directly beneath your college information in this format:
Management and Strategy Institute
– Six Sigma Black Belt in HR (BBHR)™
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