HIPAA certification through the Management and Strategy Institute (MSI) is a professional certification designed to test the users understanding of the Privacy and Security rules of the HIPAA act. The HIPAA Certified Professional certification and study material was designed specifically by MSI to give you a broad overview of the federal legislation known as HIPAA. This course will focus on Title II of HIPAA, which is known as the Administrative Simplification Provisions.
What is HIPAA? HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was passed by Congress in 1996. It provides the ability to transfer and continue health insurance coverage, reduces health care fraud and abuse, and mandates industry-wide standards for health care information. The importance of quality in healthcare has never been higher. Having your HCP certification shows employers you take privacy, data security, and quality seriously.
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Course of Study [.pdf] | Sales Brochure [.pdf]
Section 1: The Privacy Rule Overview Regulatory background Who is covered Business Associates What is protected Use & disclosures Permitted uses Authorized Disclosures Minimum Necessary Individual rights Admin requirements Options Personal reps Minors State law Penalties Noncompliance Dates | Section 2: The Security Rule Overview Regulatory background Who is covered Business Associates What is protected General rules Risk Analysis Management Admin safeguards Physical safeguards Technical safeguards Org requirements Policies State law Enforcement Final Exam: Timed exam PCUs earned: 10 |
No, the HIPAA training course includes all of the course work required to study for and pass the final exam.
If you work in healthcare it is critical that you have an understanding of HIPAA policies and the potential penalties involved in not following proper procedures. This test is open book, however it is also timed, so you will not have much time to look up answers to questions. It is very important that you study and understand the material prior to taking the test or you will not pass.
The HCP course covers title 2 of HIPAA. This section covers the Privacy and Security sections of HIPAA and is considered the key area of interest for most individuals who work in healthcare. Most healthcare jobs today require that their employees have at least a basic understanding of HIPAA. For an example, click on this [Job Search] link to see how many positions mention the words “HIPAA”.
The training course is self-paced. Time to complete and fully comprehend will vary with every individual. It may take several days or weeks of study before you feel comfortable to take the final test. You may take the final exam as soon as you’re ready. You have 1 year from the date of purchase to complete the course.
No, the test for the HCP course is not proctored. It is timed, with a limit of 1 hour. You may take the test online, from home or work whenever you are ready.
You will be mailed a Certificate Of Completion, as well as a letter of congratulations and two copies of our training verification letters which you can give to employers who request it. The certificate is heavy-stock, cream paper suitable for framing.
Participants who successfully complete this certification program will receive 10 Professional Competency Units (PCUs) from MSI.
Certifications are generally the last item listed under the education section of your resume. List them directly beneath your college information in this format:
Management and Strategy Institute
– HIPAA Certified Professional (HCP)™
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