Is the earth round? While the answer is readily apparent, if you conduct “research” online, you’ll find plenty of theories professing the opposite. So how can we determine truth from misinformation?
Every day, individuals, corporations and political organizations put out information published in a way to influence your thoughts on a subject. It’s often done so subtly that you don’t even realize it’s happening.
This is not to claim a conspiracy or to frighten you, it is simply a matter of fact that PR efforts are ongoing and designed to influence you. Because of the rapid spread of misinformation and disinformation on the internet and social media, training like this is needed more than ever.
Learn to protect yourself from disinformation campaigns. Your media health is just as important as your regular health. Spot misinformation before it affects your decision-making.
This Free Misinformation and Disinformation Training is designed to cover several topics that will help you determine truth from disinformation. The information is compiled from experts and leading scholastic books and journals. This program is specifically designed to be short (15-30 minutes), so that readers aren’t overwhelmed. We provide additional links and books in each section for readers who would like to dig deeper into the training. Subjects Include:
You should be aware as an information consumer that there are ongoing battles for your allegiance. Learn how companies and political organizations frame information to influence you.
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. Learn about critical thinking and the tools you can use to improve the way you analyze information.
What does it mean when something has been “Peer Reviewed”? Learn how the peer review process works, why it’s so important to science, and how we analyze data.
At some point you’ve probably heard the term “Correlation does not imply causation.” What does this mean, and how can I use this confusing statement to detect misinformation?
Cognitive bias occurs when our expectations and perceptions influence our evaluation of information. Learn the most common types of cognitive bias and how to detect them in yourself and others.
What’s Included:
– Online training program.
– Exam, completed online.
– Digital Certificate of Completion
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