The Management and Strategy Institute offers FREE training and certification programs for displaced workers, also referred to as dislocated workers or laid off workers. The courses that MSI offers are completed 100% online, making them easy for people to access from home or their local library. These training programs are designed to give the student critical business skills which may help increase job prospects and add to their professional skill set.
According to a 2018 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 3 million workers displaced from jobs they had held for at least 3 years. A displaced worker is someone who lost there job because their plant or company closed or moved, there was insufficient work for them to do, or their position was eliminated.
There are currently displaced workers in almost every industry, from manufacturing to healthcare. Even government workers are effected when departments close or consolidate positions.
Your can find all of MSI’s free training and certifications here: Free Training and Certifications
The Management and Strategy Institute is proud to support individuals who may be displaced due to company downsizing, layoffs, or other economic conditions. Our programs are designed to compliment someone’s past work experience and education. For example, our Project Management Essentials certification program ensures you have a general understanding of project management skills. Most corporate jobs now require employees to have an understanding of how to run and manage projects effectively. Adding this skill to your background and resumé lets employers know you’re familiar with best practices.
Other skills, often considered “Soft skills” such as ethics or leadership are equality as important. When an employer looks at your resumé what they are really trying to determine is how well you’ll fit into their organization. You may have the job qualifications, but do you also possess the personal qualities they are looking for? These FREE displaced worker training programs from the Management and Strategy Institute will help you improve your soft skills and show employers you’re serious about personal improvement.
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