MSI Member Spotlight - Dr. Henry Oh

Dr. Henry Oh is the Executive Director and Department Chair for Health Occupations at Idaho State University. He is also an MSI Fellow and Six Sigma Champion certification holder. Dr. Oh is currently working towards several additional MSI certifications and is a Continuous Improvement Professional Award winner.
Professor Oh was recently invited by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Technology and Biochemistry, of the University of Santo Tomas, to do 2 presentations. The presentations were held on Nov. 25, 2022, at the UST Central Laboratory Auditorium, which has an estimated capacity of 1000 seats. Students, faculty, directors, and other deans attended the presentation. It was almost full, with an additional 200 plus attendees online.
Doctor Oh discussed in detail how to develop innovative strategies using the DMAIC method and showed the backward design of developing the content of a course or a program, which streamlines or simplifies the process concerning curriculum development. This is competency-based education (CBE), where the goals (learning outcomes) are focused on the skills or competencies so that the students or graduates are well prepared and ready to do their work in the industry and be productive early in their employment.
“This is a great learning experience for me where I applied Six Sigma in the field of clinical education. I will use this strategy in future similar presentations. I made the best decision to take this course through MSI. As a recent MSI Fellow, I will continue to use my expertise and learn new competencies, so I can be more effective in my field to contribute to the community.”
Management and Strategy Institute congratulates Dr. Henry Oh for his successful presentation and innovative use of Six Sigma principles.